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tired tir <br /> SPECIAL TOWN MEETING MARCH 4 , 19 32 . <br /> mooting was called to order by To-. .n Clcrl , James J Carroll , <br /> at 8 ; 08 1 .7 : . roderr for Robert H Holt , being absent . <br /> Senator Jos . H Cotton vms unanimously elected , to preside at <br /> this mooting as ._odo-rator Pro- tem . <br /> Tovm 31..; rk , James J Carroll , started the reading of the v;rrrant <br /> for the meeting , when upon motion of Selectman Mr . Trask , further <br /> reading of the t:arrrtnt v:r s waviod. , and the Toni Clerk continued by <br /> reading the Constable ' return of the vra.rrant . <br /> Selectman $r . Trask , rlovoa tlirt article tv:o be taken up . <br /> Mr . Hollis Webster asked the question , if 6. quorum present . <br /> The Moderator iro -tem alpointed the following tellers , Cu.Lta.nce , <br /> Dr . '..alsh and Spencer , to count the number of Toni Meeting members <br /> present , t'ith the following results ; <br /> Custance 24 <br /> Dr . Walsh 34 <br /> Spencer 18 <br /> 76 <br /> A ruorum not being present , the : odarntor , advised suspension <br /> of the mLeting , ten ' hinutos , in order to call in more :Term ,.:seting <br /> i.: embers . <br /> While waiting for n quorum Mr . Mitchell , Chnirmr,n of the <br /> A,pproriation . Committee , read and explained his report , also Oxen <br /> plating how the net: tax rate , of y30 . 00 wc : arrived nt <br /> At nine o ' clock a recount of the Town I.: eating Eembers was a- <br /> gain taken by the Lame tellers , with the following reLults ; <br /> (instance 27 <br /> Dr . .: a.l sh 44 <br /> Spencer 27 <br /> Ioderator 1 <br /> Tort Clerk 1 <br /> 100 <br /> 9 ; 04 1 . - <br /> The <br /> . _The rodorntor rend nrticlo two . <br /> Selectman Er . Trask offered the following notion ; <br /> Voted ; That the sum of , 38 , 350 . 06 be appropriated by the Teva. <br /> to :pay its portion of the cost of acquiring land and of the con- <br /> st -ruction and equipment and other exenses on account of a ho t. ital <br /> situated in Waltham , and partly in Lecinj ton , known as the Middlesex <br /> • County ..- uberculosis Hospital , required i!:r Mnptcr 111 of the General <br /> ns amended , and also being further authorioc?_ by Chapter 369 <br /> of the Acts of 1928 , as amended by Chapter 175 of the Acts of 1:% 30 <br /> and Chapter 73 of the " cts of 1931 , and for this purpose , the <br /> sum of v38 , 250 . 06 be appropriated , of which ;n12 , 350 . 06 shf-. 11 be <br /> a, Esussee in the levy of the current year , and the Town _ roasurer , with <br /> the a iroval of the Jolectmon bo and_ hereby is authorized to sell <br /> under c he direction of and with the ajproval of t, ,:e ,. eloctmen , bonds <br /> or notes of the Toni in the amount of v26 , 000 . 00 issued and payable <br /> as provided by lay: . <br /> , elcetwIn , -2 . iirask , e:_-2lainod tho vote , stating that the cost <br /> of this hoEpita l had boon divided among the Cities and Tovrns in <br /> Middlesex Jounty , except Lovell ^nd Cambridje , who take' ca _' o of their <br /> own l:atients , also stating notes ould be raised to cover half the <br /> cost to the Tet-.n , to be dated A_ ril 1 , 1932 . <br /> Account of this item to be :-aid to the County Cor..flni : sioners , <br /> on or before : ch 25 , 1932 , this ►3Eecir_ l Lie© tin; was made nece :_ sary , <br /> in order to rvoid t . olve per cent penalty <br /> Jr2 . C lobcrtLon , asked how the County Conti . sionors arrived <br /> at the figures . <br /> alectmmn r . _: r ' ch, ©:.. ., Maines , according to the valuations <br />