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519 <br /> the sum 'of jou . be transferred from the excess and Deficiency <br /> Account . <br /> 2ea.ding of the de ,_crition was wavied b - the meeting , and <br /> the motion as presented wac carried unanimously 9 ; 50 <br /> Art14 . Leloctmnn : :r . Trask, moved to take u }.. crtiele 14 , offering <br /> the folloting motion ; VOTAD ; That the Town accept the lay out of <br /> Crescent Hill Avenue from Haskell btroet to the Arlington 'iovn Line , <br /> a distance of approximately 550 feet , as a torn way , all as laid out <br /> by the aoloctmen under date of October 27 , 1931 , and shown upon a <br /> c vrtain plan on elle in th© office of the 'I own Clerk dctecl Uctober <br /> 19 , 1931 ;. and l'or the purpose of coriLtructing said street the sum of <br /> tie2500 . be transferred from the Exco : s and ., eficicncy Account . <br /> ? e tding of . e deEcription was wavied by the meeting , and the <br /> motion as Presented was carried u animousl; , 9 ; 5 , E . <br /> Art . lb . SelectmLn Er . Tru: ck , moved to taLe u , article lc , offering <br /> the following motion ; VO jD ; Thrt the Town accept trio lcy out of <br /> Tucker Avenue from Baker Avenue northwesterly distance of approx- <br /> i_nctely 31F. feet , as a town way , all as laid out 'DJ the Selectmen <br /> under date of November 10 , 1931 , and shown upon a certain plan on <br /> file in the office of the Town Clark dr tee. October 7 , 1931 , and for <br /> the purpose of constructing Laid street the Lum of y1SU0 . be trans - <br /> • (erred f'ror- tele 2xce ._ s and Defic _ enc?T Account . <br /> Mr , Oharlb rlair inquired wh the motion includes half <br /> o f the strEet <br /> "-r . Trask , answered because half I ne people on tele street <br /> wa nt e d t , 4nd Other half did not . <br /> :r . Folger , then sponte , stating his residence wa.S on tree <br /> and of the avenue s not both accepted , stating he had spok- <br /> en to olectman Er . sCustance , regarding dame , but was too\late to <br /> have inserted in tills war ant , also wishing to know , when the time <br /> came , for tile .acceptance of the other part of the avenue , if the <br /> price 7. ould be t . . e sa ojo him t ?.en , as the price was going to be <br /> now . <br /> . electman hr . Custanco , spoke on the subject , stating possi - <br /> ably this s,-: ork 'might be completed next ►: l. ring , and it would not be <br /> po ;; aible to : ta ,_ e a figure on the price now , although ho 1ww: s of tile <br /> opinion , when the other part of erne avenue :as finished the price <br /> might be little higher . <br /> Leading of the de*$i ipt ion 'las waviod by the meeting , and <br /> t he motion as presented was carried unaniy. ously at lu ; 01 E . <br /> Art . lu . L ele ctnc h L t . Trask moved to tax:e up article 16 , offering <br /> the :' allowi lgT _, - ; r �h�..• - <br /> mot io ;VOTED ;, �. t the of belc ctmen be and they <br /> are hereby authorized to sell and convey to David Hennessy all <br /> right , t : tie and interest which the Town has in the . right - oI -'.':ay <br /> g: anted in a deed from hoses G Cobb to George n _,: obinson dated uct - <br /> ober 31 , 1850 and recorded with Liiddiesex :.) oath District Leeds :' , 00k <br /> 609 page 315 , for the suns of 00. 00 . <br /> ;, electman ' .:r . Trask , explained the .Lown needed no interest <br /> in this right of way any longer , and as long as it was adjacent <br /> to Er . dennes sy ' s land , and he was desirous of obtaining it , he <br /> t hought it advisable t o lot him hww,ve it . <br /> Mot io , carried unanimously at 10 ; 04 iAM . <br /> Art 17 . ,:, cluctr r . cask moved' to ta_:e article 11 , offorin ,; <br /> • t do followiig motion ; VUT D ; That the earn of 4200 be appropriL ted <br /> to pa,Y the nose :_. Lary expenses of The Uhiof of the r' ire Department <br /> incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing information upon mat - <br /> ters in which the 'iown is int erostou , or which may tend to improve <br /> the service in the Fire Department , and that to meet this ai. pro - <br /> . priation t e aum of v200 be transferrefrom tie Fire Department <br /> Account to iraVelling• il.xpenses Account . <br /> .Jar riec1 unanimously Et lu ; OL <br /> Arty . . oloctman . r . 's: raL k, move Lo up article 18 , offering <br /> the following motion ; VOTED ; Mot c o electmc.n be authorized to <br /> sell and convey to .:::filen A atone _ rust ee under the v4 ill of Ellen <br /> A Stone , late of Lexington , tno ollowing described parcel of land <br /> no longer rocuired for public purposes ; <br /> A Larcel of land in said i own of .i exingt on beginning at <br /> a tone bound marki � �� g the junction of the property linos of land of <br /> Charles 1 Joy and (lien A :, tone , yrustee , and the Town of Lexington , <br /> said stone bound being northeasterly and distant 105 . 01 feet from <br /> the intersection of tee property line between the land of Charles R <br /> Joy a.nd land of Ellen A Stone , Lrustee , r;iti cno northeasterly line <br /> o f EaEsachusetts Avenue ; tneuice northerly 41w 13 ' east a distance of <br />