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515 <br /> treated fair _ , , with their decisions . <br /> Mr . Herbert , owner of the property , spoke . r. long the same lines as <br /> Mr . t:arshall , and to the effect he was not satisfied with results . <br /> Mr . L:::niol J UtConnell , then spoke , re . -rolenting , Lir . Hsr- <br /> bort , stating , his opinion was , :Jr . Herbert had not received fair <br /> treatment iron the planning Board , referring Lo the last meting with <br /> said Board , when the meeting , moved to adjourn , \ ithout giving him <br /> an opportu' 7ity to finish his propositi .:n , for the change , also state - <br /> ing , he felt t ne board was being run by one man . <br /> Er . Edgar F :, cheibe , clerk of the Planning Board , could not <br /> agree with Nr . O ' Connell ; stating the Poard was not run by one man , <br /> as he also was against the cnange being made , as he felt there were <br /> sufficient gas stations in the Town already . <br /> 'r . Frederick L Emory , Chair :._an of tno . lann: tins 2E0L .. u , sseuJ .0 <br /> next , stating , the meeting that had been adjourned , as referred to <br /> by =: r . O ' Oonnell , had been made necessary , because the speaker did not <br /> confiners himself to the sub jekt of the meeting , after having been told <br /> to do so , continuing , Er . itery read the report of the Planning Board , <br /> which was , as follows ; <br /> Pursuant to the Frovisions of theZoning :Jaw in respect to <br /> petitions of this sort , the Planning Board gave the necessary public <br /> notice of c hearing to be held by it on november 2 , 1931 , at eight <br /> o ' clocK P . E . Notice was also given the petitioner and to others with- <br /> in the district designated by the Planning :board as affected b,, the <br /> proposed cnange . <br /> Five citizens appeared in behalf of the petition , namely , the <br /> petitioner , her husband and son , and two others , one of whom was Mr . <br /> Laniel J O ' Connell who v. e understood to appear as her counsel . <br /> Attent\ ion was called to the tact , that this was the fourth <br /> cit i.t ion by the same petitioner to have trio zoning of this particular <br /> Tot c _ lcnged , and the petitioner vies asked if she had any new reason to <br /> jive or ground to state for recommendation that the petition be now <br /> granted , when upon three earlier occasions the Planning Board had rec- <br /> ommended that tree petition be not granted and that the change be not <br /> made . i.' et it ioner stated that she had no new reason and could state no <br /> additional •round . <br /> Thu Planning Board recommends that the petition be not granted <br /> for reasons previously stated . <br /> Signed , <br /> Frederick L Emery . <br /> C . Sdward Glynn . <br /> J . Henry Duffy . <br /> m. D Milne . <br /> C1crence H ut ler . <br /> Edgar F bcheibe . <br /> . uetion by Mr . D J U7Connell , on the right to vote , by , the <br /> persons making the ro corimendat ions , the L odera L or stating , they had <br /> the rignt to vote on the matter . <br /> A rising vote was taken , a two thirds vote beinu necoLLtary , <br /> the following tellers appAnted b L ,_e : ode -rato -r , with the soil : wing <br /> results . <br /> Yes No <br /> 5 Redman 27 <br /> 8 Jackson 4u <br /> 3 L_e rr iam 19 <br /> lO b6 the vote was declared lost 8 ; 41 EM . <br /> • <br /> ".rt . 2 . Selectman hr . gra . k , moved to taw up article 2 , oiiering <br /> the following ; VOTEL ; That -LAO tollowirg sums be transierrea to tne <br /> ExceL . a_na .ef'iciency Account ; <br /> From :.:a.ssachusetts Avenue and Fott ler Avenue In . Lallat ion of <br /> .Drains 1 , £ 7 . 92 <br /> ll rom Public Works building ( Equipment and -reps i -rs ) 7 . 89 <br /> From fignv;ay Jonst rust ion t incoln street) L aEsachu ; et L s <br /> Lvenue to Marreti Road 4289 . 77 <br /> From Highway Construction (Ma: sachusette Avenue ) <br /> Lake street to Lincoln ttroet 13'4u . 98 <br /> Prom Highway Oonst rust ion ( Dexter Road ) Fuller _: oc a t o <br /> load <br /> o'r38 . o2 <br /> After a complete explanation by z;electma.n :..r . `irask , as to the <br /> various accounts as listed , stating all l.ere balcncos from t fie various <br /> prop -isitions , and if satisfactory to trio meeting , would suggest all <br /> to be voted upon , aa4,one vote . <br /> ., uest ion by Er .f 0 Nicholsii' money involved , was from assesst - <br /> ments or bond i :: L. ues , c:.nswered by belec4mun L: I1}�,, w0410,b6,09 b.,w,;u.Gb , <br />