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r• <br /> cas <br /> TTOVIEBR 23 , 1931 . <br /> The mooting, was called to order by Moderator Er . dolt , at <br /> 8 ; 10 2 . M . , with 131 own Eceting MemborL pre ent . <br /> i oven Clerk , James J Carroll , proceeded with the reading of the <br /> arrant , when upon motion of selectman Mr . ilcroast , further read- <br /> ing of the :arrant was wavied . <br /> The 'gown Clerk , then continued , by reading; the .c? nmtE1Jle ' s re - <br /> turn of the Warrant . <br /> Art . 1 . selectman ir . . rask , moved to take up Article 1 . <br /> Under this Artielo , :,:r . .Lav:rence Mitchell , Jha. irrmn of the <br /> Appropriation Committee , read the following report 4 - <br /> The Arproptiat ion Committee submits its report covering the <br /> following articles in the -`.' o17n ' :ar-rant for the meeting , November , <br /> 23 , 1931 . - <br /> Api; roved <br /> Wider Art . Amounta. _ . r'rom . Account _ of'_ ,tQ _ LQcQUlt _ Q ' <br /> 2 tif , 738 . 52 Various as LiLted E,cesL . Leficiency <br /> 3 1 , 090 . 82 ';ieLtview cemetery Sewer Construction <br /> Land <br /> 4 1 , 7u0 . 00 Sewer Assessment6eter Construction <br /> 5 4 , 000 . 00 ExceecLs & Deficiency mater Maintenance <br /> 500 . 00 Excess & Deficiency Highways <br /> 500 . 00 zc © ss & Deficiency Parks <br /> 6 20 , 000 . u ., ( Bonds or _-Totes ) <br /> 12 , 13 , 14 . 7 , 000 . 00 Excess . _Deficiency Street Conbtruction <br /> 17 2 - u . U0 Fire De partrment Traveling Expenses . <br /> llespectfully submitted , <br /> Lawrence Cr :;itchell . <br /> Chairman . 8 ; 14 <br /> :;r . Mitchell , alLo stated the Appropriation Committee had <br /> . everal meetings this Fall in jure_ arction for the annual lowm <br /> meeti29 , coming in :.:arch , r:_ nd if anyone had any suggo : tions to <br /> offer , in regard to the ap: ropriations , the Committee would <br /> come the knowledge , and could be pleased to hear irom them . <br /> Under Art . l . Sun . Jos . Cotton of" fered the follcwing motion ; <br /> VOTED ; 'ghat the Lioderator Do added to the committee of three <br /> which vas appointed under vote of Town Meeting held :any 4 , 1901 <br /> for the purpose of preparing a revision of our Code of By Laws ; <br /> and further that the time within which said Committee is to report <br /> to the : own be extended ti the next annual meeting . <br /> :.:ot ion ca ' rind unanimously 8 ; 15 P . M. <br /> n rt . 2U . Under this Article , Selectman Er . . l -r:,.sh moved to <br /> take ul:: Article 20 . <br /> After :.:r . „ il liam J .arshall startea b stating ins rer sons <br /> for in favor of the ^.rticie , L-; electmrtn , : '-r . Trask , asked to have <br /> the speaker , read his motion , which the ioderat or did , is r . Marehall , <br /> offering the following motion ; <br /> V OID ; That the 1' own amend the Lexington Zoning Ey- Law and <br /> map by changing from an H- 1 DiLtrict to a 0 - 1 DiLtrict the folluw- <br /> ing duscribec parcel of land ; <br /> " ;: eginning at a County bound on as a chsetts Avenue and <br /> running Southerly on a curve to a County bound on i :a :rett ?mad <br /> about 60 feet ; thence along Eaid Marrett goad Southeast t. rly 1UU <br /> feet ; thence turning and running Northeasterly leu feet to a <br /> point ; thence turning and -running: northeasterly about 80 feat to <br /> said iI EEachusetts Avenue ; thence turning tend running about 75 <br /> feet along said MasEachusetts Avenue to point begun at . <br /> : :r . Jrshall , continued by stating , :.:r . berbert , whose <br /> property was in quoLtion , nad previously been before the plann- <br /> ing board , on three different occaisions , and he telt he ha,g peen <br />