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451 <br /> property owners , andthat the sum it will cost the Town will <br /> greatly exceed , ; l500 . Mr . Trr. sk explained that the Board did <br /> not know what the sum would be but an appropriation was <br /> required to be .nide and they decided on a nominal sum of <br /> ,; 500 . on each piece of property or •; 1500 . to take care of <br /> the entire distance . ' <br /> Mr . George M . Ross , Chai °rman of ti- c Appropriation , <br /> �- om.-��ittee , <br /> stated that the Appropri !? tion Comn- nittee did not approve of this <br /> appropriation . <br /> Mr . '�`fil_ liam H . Ballard s ' rated that be felt, Lhnt the - >e <br /> should be no fear of es tabli.s' ing a bui . ding line and he <br /> felt that it s } orad_ be established throw ', to Meriam Street . <br /> He stated that as a result of the establishing ' of a building <br /> line fro-1 the Town Hall lot to . .oburn :-) trept we now have <br /> one suit that hays not been pressed because of the fact that <br /> the o .rnens have not dmcided as yet the amount of their damages <br /> He felt also thr. t tv c owners of property 4::V onti -G1ecto <br /> know whet L-,he `1'oin intends to do at a later date , and -that <br /> eventually idle street will be widened and they can make their <br /> ^ rrangerents accordingly . He stated also that he communicated <br /> with the Scott Tea Company and found t}1^. t they are interested <br /> in coopers-ting; with the Town and he felt that the line should <br /> be established so that they could go ahead and plan the <br /> improvement of their property on a pmm nent basis . He had <br /> not had any c om - -runic . t i o with the Hunt owners , but he felt <br /> that the Town should adopt this motion . <br /> Yr . James C . noher tson inquired of the Appropriation <br /> Committee whether or not they approved the app2opth. tion of <br /> ,p55 , 000 . for the purchase of the O ' Connell property at a <br /> previous town meeting . The Chairman explained that they did <br /> approve this aper opr i ati on . ur . obeT; tso n stated that the <br /> Town has for many years planned to widen Mass ; Avenue in the center <br /> of the Town. He mentioned the wideninc-* at the Colonial Block <br /> when the property chan2ec hands , also the wicening at t3uckman <br /> Tavern and cal ] ed attention to the three parcels of land left <br /> that are not uniform with the balance of Mass . Avenue . through <br /> ' he centre . He felt that eventually the Town would have tr widen <br /> Massachurletts Avenue and that a buildincr line should be established <br /> tl rouT to Meriam <br /> '� T Street . Mrs . Robert '2 . Tras ' - inquired if the <br /> appropriation Committee were unanimous in their decision , and if not <br /> what tLe vote was . • <br /> Yip . Ross replied tI' at the Committee wer'e not unanimous in <br /> their decision tut he did not remember what the vote was for or <br /> a(7ainst . <br /> Mr . Francis Chamberlain asked to have the benefit of the <br /> conclusions drawn by the Appronri_ ation Committee . Mr . Ross replied <br /> that the Committee felt that a bui ; ding line should be established <br /> over the O ' Connell property now inasmuch as there is an immediate <br /> reason for doing so and the Committee approved the appropriation <br /> of $500 . for this pirpose . Tney did not , however , approve an <br /> appropriation for the building line over the Hunt property or to <br /> Meriam Street , inasmuch as they felt that at some future date the <br /> line may be established and it would then nct cost the Town any <br /> more than it would at the present time , an (' that any establish - <br /> ment of a line at the present time would immediately involve <br /> litigation . <br /> Mr . C . ridwarrGlynn , stated that he was in favor of the <br /> Built inrr line but he did not believe that the line needed to be <br /> estahli shed at the present time (only o •.'er the O ' Connell property <br /> and he felt tha4 action should be taken thererore under Article 3 . <br /> On motion oa ' Mr . Allen Chamberlain Article 5 was laid upon <br /> the table . <br /> Art . 3 . Mr . Robert P . Trask rnoued. that art/tele 3 be taken ip and <br /> under this article offered the following motion <br /> Voted : That the loam accept and stablish a building line <br /> on Massachusetts Avenue from the northerly terminus of the present <br /> street line on the former Town Hall property now owned by <br /> Messrs . Rubin & Seligman to the property of Anstiss S . Hunt , et al , <br /> all as laid out by the , Selectmen and shown on plan on file in <br /> the Town ' lerk ' s Office entitled , " Plan Showing Proposed Building <br /> Line on a Portion of Mass . Avenue , Lexington , October 17 , 1930 , <br /> Scale 1 in . - 20 feet , John T . Cosgrove , Town Engineer , " <br /> provided that any structure existing at the time of the establish- <br /> merit of the said building line shall ' be permitte : to remain and <br /> be maintained in its present location , and for the purpose of <br />