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283 <br /> Company to be released from any betterment assess - <br /> ment which may be leviedby the Town because of <br /> said sale to the Town or any improvement mnde in <br /> Massachusetts Avenue as a result of said sale and <br /> the widening and street construction on the land <br /> so sold next following the sail purchase . <br /> Further VOTED : `lh ^ t the sum of $ 30 , 000 <br /> be arrrepri ate •' Por tte purpose of the porch as <br /> of land of Stun rt- Marshall Realty Company authorized <br /> by this meeting and that to meet the said ap- <br /> pronri it i -ten the sum of '4; 15 , 000 be now a.pnronri n ted <br /> and assessed and th ^ t for the rurrose of payment • <br /> • of the bai ^ nce nt such time or times here F' ter as <br /> the Town Treasurer with the nnrroval of the Board <br /> of Selectmen stall setermine , the Town Treasurer , <br /> with the approval of the Boar - of Selectmen be <br /> and he hereby is ao. thorized to borrow the sum <br /> of 015 , 000 and to issue bon' s or notes of the <br /> Town tin ereror , said bonds or notes to be payable in <br /> accordance with the provisions of section 19 of <br /> Chanter 44 of the General Laws , so that the whole <br /> loan. shall be paid in not more than ten years or <br /> at such earlier dates as the Treasurer , with the <br /> ' nnrnval of the Boar1 of oelec trnen , mny determine . " <br /> Upon motion of ' r . William H . Ballard it was <br /> voted thnt article 28 be laid on the table . <br /> Art . 31 . Under this article , r,,Ir . Witham E . Mulliken <br /> read the report of tme Ate-ernrri nti n <br /> n Committee . <br /> nn motion of Mr . William E . Mulliken it was <br /> unanimously , <br /> " Voted : That the resort of the Committee <br /> be accepted an '' n_ l ced. on file . " <br /> To the Citizens of the Town of Lexington : <br /> At the Town Meeting of January 7 , 1929 , by your <br /> vote , you requiredof yo1 ' r Apnrnrri a. t ion Committee <br /> • tmat they rerort to you , at some subsequent meeting , <br /> on the financial consition o ' the Town , and on <br /> the feasibility or ttie program for proposed ex- <br /> nenditures a.s outlined in the renort of t'- e committee <br /> on the study of the Eine and "rater Denartments . <br /> This report we now sup "mit for your consiHerati ' in . <br /> Lexington , at the present time , may well <br /> be said to be in a very creditable financial <br /> cnndi tion . In comparison with other municina. li ties , <br /> our c iedit rating s ' anss well un on the list , a <br /> very sn ti sf' actory condition and one thi t we should <br /> endeavor to maintain . '.7e hove a bonded debt of <br /> :‘i740 , 000 of which but $2F1 , 000 h ^ s been borrowed <br /> within the debt limit . Under the s classification <br /> we are permitted to borrow 3 % of our assessedvalua- <br /> tion which , if estimated as 120 , 000 , 000 allows <br /> us to still borrow :, 349 , 000 before reaching thnt <br /> limit . This should not be to"en to imnly theft <br /> we recommend the immediate use or this further <br /> credit , but it is available if any vote of the <br /> Town should ma 'Te it necessary or ' esi rable . <br /> '.''e ars' this ye ^ r nnyinr 3101 , 450 on this debt , <br /> and the amount Th , e in 1930 is but 182 , 500 ,500 , a very <br /> substantial decrease . as against this , h - wever , we <br /> should 'Teen in mina thnt article 11 , still to be <br /> acted upon , carries with it a nelw bon -1 issue or ' <br /> 80 , 000 for "inter Construction , and other articles <br /> in this same warrant , i r anted upon favorably , will <br /> undoubtedly bring our outstandinr indebtedness <br /> bac'r to the present figure and even M•, terially <br />