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226 <br /> DISCUSSION p <br /> It is a matter of keen regret that the cost of printing <br /> the reports of the New England Insurance Exchange , Chief <br /> Walsh , Metcalf 8I Eddy and other date is so great that we did <br /> not feel warranted in incurring that expense . <br /> Consequently we will file these papers on which our <br /> conclusions have been based with the Town Clerk , - those <br /> wishing more detailed information than contained herein are <br /> re . 2ectfully referred to them . <br /> Extracts from the foregoing reports are quoted herein . <br /> Schedules are attached hereto showing an analysis of our <br /> fire department comparisons with other municipalities , <br /> copies of delegation of power by the State Fire Marshal to the <br /> Chief of the Lexington ` Dire Department and Sec . 4? , 4Z and <br /> 44 of Chapter 48 of the General Laws , etc . <br /> In all of the municipalities which the Committee visited , <br /> with the exception of Amesbury , the department is super - <br /> vised by either a permanent or a permanent deputy chief . The <br /> general appearance of these buildings is *ost excellent . <br /> To be sure while most of . them are new , the neatness , <br /> cleanliness , orderliness and discipline are in strong con- <br /> trast to ours . <br /> tine did not have an opportunity in our visits to witness <br /> any fire drills , so we could not compare their efficiency <br /> in this respect with our own . For this we feel justified <br /> in depending upon the reports of the New England Insurance <br /> Exchange and thr . Walsh . <br /> In this connection Mr . Walsh says in part : - <br /> " I think it would be sufficient to say without going <br /> into detail that the whole department gave an exhibition <br /> of its ability in handling the equipment at which a grave <br /> lack of training was demonstr^ ted . This situation can <br /> be easily remedied by sending men to the Boston Drill School . <br /> A request to the fire commissioner would probably result <br /> favorably . <br /> " There appear to be no permanent rules and regulations <br /> to govern the conduct of the members either in quarters <br /> or at fires . r= code of rules in very desirable towards <br /> promoting pfficiency . <br /> " A call captain is in charge of the ladder company . <br /> Like the case of the call deputy chief , ( mentioned in the <br /> full report to be filed in the Town clerk ' s Office) this <br /> is all wrong . n permanent officer should have charge of <br /> this mort important company and in the absence of an officer <br /> a permanent private should be placed in charge . (Mr . Walsh <br /> feels that a permanent private should have by training <br /> and experience greater ability to fight fires that a <br /> call officer ; if this is not so it should be so , parti - <br /> cularly if the men had proper training . ) <br /> " That as often as the strength of the department <br /> will permit a permanent officer or private be detailed <br /> to inspect manufacturing and mercantile buildings , schools , <br /> churches , garages , etc . , for the purpose of fire prevention . <br /> " The Chief being a Call Chief cannot measure up to <br /> the permanent chief because other business will not permit <br /> him to keep in touch with all the doings of the department . <br /> " The Fire Chief who has no business to perform daily <br /> other than looking after his men , apparatus and equipment , <br /> both in quarters and at firer , is without doubt better <br /> qualified to render a good account of himself in times of <br /> emergencies . This is true no matter how well intentioned <br /> the call chief may be . <br />