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i <br /> � <br /> . , <br /> ACTS OF 1909, CHAPTER 490, PART [. <br /> g <br /> ASSESSM �I�1T OF TAXES . <br /> ��XTP.ACT.� <br /> S�crrorr 55. T}�e assessors shall rnake, upon the books furuished under the l�rovisions of secti�n fi£ty-seven, a list of the valuation <br /> ai�d the a,sseasment tl�ereon, in the follo�vina n�aunei•:—In sel�arate colun�us the valuation of t�he stocl� ii1 ti:�,ae of each persou, the <br /> number a,nd value of his live stocl� and the valuation of machiuery usecl in manufacturing estaulial�mei�ts. In auother column mai•ked <br /> ' "All other ratable estate" the a`�reb��te valuation of' all the other personal estate shall ue entered. The total amount of the t�,xabie <br /> persoual propert� shall be shown, but without other detail or specihcation than is ��rovided herein. Befoi°e the taxes at•e committed for <br /> collectiion they shall deposit the books, or an attested copy thereof, in their office or, if there is izo office, with their chairman, for pub- <br /> lic inspection. '�, <br /> SECTioN 56. The list shall exhibit tl�e v��,lu�ztion and assessment of the polls ai�d est�ites of the inhabitants �,ssessed; �nd the i <br /> valuatioii and assessment of the estates of non-resident owners, and sl�all cont��in the names of tlie nou-resident owners of i <br /> the pro��erty assessed, or such description of tl�eni as cau be given, their places of abode, if known, the description of their � <br /> estate, the true vtilue of such estate, and the tax thereon. <br /> SECTION 57. The tax com►iiissioner of the commouwealth sha,ll provide each city and town, on or before the first day of Al�ril <br /> annually, suitable Uooks for the use of the assessoi�s in the assessment of t�,xes, which shall contain blank colunnis, with uniforul <br /> headings for a valua,tion list, and blank tables for ab�re�ates, in the follo�vin� form:—providecl, Iaozveve��, tl�at in lieu of tl�e valuatiou � <br /> list l�rovided for in this section aiid tlle ��recediub t�vo sections the assessors of any city may, �vith the assent of the taY commissioner, <br /> prepare a valuation list u��on bool�s furnial�ed by tlie city ;�nc� in such forui �,s the tax commissioner shall ap��rove. <br /> VALUATION LIST FOR TH� OF APItIL 1, 19 . � <br /> � � w � <br /> ° � �1 � � a`� w � 3� w � � I <br /> 0 <br /> °' p� � m � m ,�,� � �� �o Numberof acres orfeet ° y � � <br /> � • � � � � p ia ro -� �„ in each lot of land. � � <br /> � � 3 �� :: � � a�i vi ui �y �"p�� cd �d y '� I <br /> 1�ADIliS ANU R.liSIDF.I�G1�.S OI� � ^° �A �� 0 Y y � Q m c>>>F ¢' � y p� <br /> PEILSONS ASSI:RSLD, a� P. O F� N N b r�-�� Q" Q �� � ��� U °4 � <br /> m � m� � p.y ,c7 O cd 7 CL o a� L7 I <br /> (Give atreet anc�ntennLer of k o a q� �� � �•� �� � �� .d ��� � � � °„ I <br /> � f�esiden�ce. k �� . °� c. �`� <br /> ) +�' y c'�i c�a� �w ° �o oa`�i q o� � qcpa°' �s � � p �a`�i <br /> R in � I <br /> O '� d ai a A o'd N id q N.. � m'�^ �n A m � d O <br /> � w� w�� • .q w w'� a Q � ac� o +��.� Acres. Feet. w �� � � �� <br /> a� p O cd o p y... c o�,, bt o y, �c3 a� � d.� 'sC �, U:. <br /> a a�; a�� a� a� a��a �� :d a a� 'G a�Q m �a �; ,a <br /> � ;; °a �� �a� ° °� wca� ;; . >. �� �w� � �� ac ;� ;�a <br /> , o o �a•.. �a w p m �a a a� tu a� o p a ia., a�c o � o m tn o o� <br /> z F � ✓ Z � � � F P7 � A � F C F F <br /> ll i <br /> TABLE OF AGGFtEGAT�S. <br /> FOR THE OF OF POLLS�PROPERTY'�TASE9� �TC.� AB ASBE$5ED APRIL 1� 19 , I <br /> ��-,a. �m O G ^ � r: �3 m� y � rn m a�m ti� Fj,' O O <br /> q O N O O � � C� cd cr � cd cd cd v s N p � <br /> �a y.� � p, a ,� � o� Tax for atate, county y� � m a },� q . :,� � p <br /> � o� d d � d �� and city or town pur- � 3 v y q a�� s. � <br /> m a m a' a � P� m c+� poses,including over- � o � .� °'� g �d �abi �"� <br /> s-i� °''m o w� � m� m �� � layin�s. Y ��., w w w ti w w� ""y q� <br /> O� �cd a.�'� Ty O� cd m cd ^J C� � O � O O y'd O O cd ��n �3� <br /> i+W � F i"U�i �"� Q w� w N td'� y ir� i.� F�j F..0� fr� ir� F� F� <br /> am do,°' mm dm o . o., o„ pd n"g a��, a�y a�� a��m a�� a�� v'� a��a <br /> AdP. A � Ad Ad ., d� o�cd m �o �m �m Am p�a� pm A� R�d R.-, <br /> ami. �aGic°. 6m 8v°', ko �p pm ;;d �°',,..+ �a�'i 8m �a°'i 8°;� �a"'i ao 7� �a <br /> Dollarg. Cts. o <br /> p cd d p'C A. p cd p cC �3?� c"d m cd� p m•+ cd� �m p m p m a.>cd p m p F7 �.. p,i„� <br /> z z z z H � � N � z z z z z z z z I <br /> Individuals. Individuals. t On prop- Excluding reai- Buildings,exclud- Onpersonalestate. NmnUer. <br /> erty. dent bank stock, ing land. — <br /> *All others. �All others. For poll tax Resident bank Land,excluding On real estate. Yalue. <br /> only, stock. Unil�tinga. <br /> ' On polla. <br /> Total. Total. 'Lotal. Total. Total, <br /> Total. <br /> *�Firma,corporations,associations,institutions,trusteea,etc. <br /> }On property;the total of the first two columns. <br /> S�cTiox 58. The assessors sha,ll ei�ter in the books so f'urnished the v�luatiou aild a,ssessmeut of the polls and estates of � <br /> the inhabitauts assessed, as directed in the headin�s of the various colunms and as f'ollows:— <br /> Stock in trade sliall include all �oods, wares and merchaiidise at home or abroad, of ratable estate, whethei� paid foi or othercvi�e. <br /> Machinery shall iilclude steam enaines. � '� <br /> In cotton and linen factories st�te number of s�indles aud looms usecl iii each. <br /> Iv woolen factories state number of sets of cards used in each. <br /> State the value of each buildinb described includinb therein �rater-wheels but excludina land aiid w�ter po�er and machii7ery used ', <br /> in the l�uildin�;. � <br /> Iu description of l�ts of land state the nuiliber of quartz-saud beds, �tone quarries and ore beds therein. <br /> S�cTiox 59. The assessors shall fill up the table of a�are�ates k�y an enumer�,tion of the necessai�y items included in the lists <br /> of valuation and assessmeizts required liy l�tw, ai7d shall annually, on or before the first day of October, deposit in the of�ce <br /> of the tax commissioner aii attested co��y of the same, containii��,—First. The number of residents assessed on property, <br /> specifyinj the nuuiber of individuals and the number of firms, coi•porations, associatioi�s, iustitutions, trustees, and eo forth. <br /> Second. The number of non-residents assessed on property� specifyi��a tl�e number of indi.vid�ials ancl the number of firms, corpora- <br /> tions, associations, institutions, trustees, aud so foi�th. Third. The whole number of persons assessed, specifying the number <br /> assessed for a tax on property and the nu�u:ber assessed f'or a poll tax only. Fourth. The number of polls assessed. Fifth. The tax '� <br /> on each poll. Sixth. The value of personal estate assessed, specifyii�g the value of the same excludin� resident bank stock, and the � <br /> value of resident Ua,nk stock. Seventh. The value of real estate assessed, specifyin� the value of buildin�s exclusive of lai�d and of � <br /> land exclusi��e of buildinbs. Ei�htll. The total valu�,tion of assessed estate in the city or to�vn. l�Tinth. 'rl�e tax for state, cuunty i <br /> aud city or to�vn purposes, includin� overl��yin�s, specifyin� the atnouut assessed ou personal estate, on re�l estate ai�d on polls. I <br /> Tenth. The rate of total tax per one thousand dollars. Eleventh. The number of horses assessed. Twelfth. The number of cuws � <br /> assessed. Thirteei�th. The number of shee� assessed. Fourteentli. The number of neat cattle, other th�,n cows, assessed. i <br /> Fifteenth. 'rhe number of swine assessed. Sixteenth. The number of dwellinb houses assessed. Sevei7teenth. The izumber of <br /> acres of land assessed. Ei�hteenth. The number aizd value of fowl assessed. <br /> The city of Boston may deposit said copy in the office of the tax commissioner annually on �r before the first day of November. ' <br /> SECTroN 60. The assessors of cities and towns, eacept the city of Boston, shall, on or before the first day of October in the � <br /> year ninteeen hundred and four and in every third year thereafter, deposit in the of�ce of the tax comn�issioner, it1 books to be by him � � � <br /> provided for the purpose, a copy of the assessors' valuation-boolis of those yea,rs, to be by thern certified under oath. Saicl a,ssessors <br /> shall also ailnually, on or bef'ore the first day of OctoUer, and the assessors of the city of Poston, on or before the first clay of <br /> NovemUer, in lilie manuer de��osit an attested copy of the ta,ble of a�bres;ates required Uy the provisions of the precedinb section. <br /> S�crroN 6L If the boa,rd of assessors of any city or town ne�lect�to com�>ly �vith tl�e provisions of any of the three prececlinb <br /> sections, each assessc�r so neglecti�g sh:�ll furfeit uot more than two hundred dollars. <br /> S�c•rioN 62. The books provided uy the tax commissioner for the tz�e of the assessors shall coutain a copy of this snd of <br /> the seven precedin; sections, and such certificates as are required by law to be si;ned by the assessors, with such exl�l�na,tory notes <br /> as he considers necessary to secut•e uniformity of returns under the sever:�l headinbs. He shall annually compile ancl cause to be i <br /> ��rinted for the use of the beneral court the �ti»re�ate returns from the cities and tuwns �,rran�ed k�y counties, so �,s to exhibit the total <br /> , valuation of the to�ans, cities, couiities, and the co►iimonwealth. <br /> SECTiov 94. If the a�ssessors of a city or to�vn �tscertain that the ab�rebate valuatioil of such city ot toNn has been diminished <br /> since the first day of April of the precedin� year, tl�ey shall return with the table of abbrebates, or with the book,, �vhicl� they nre <br /> required by sections fifty-nine aud sixty to deposit in the office of the tax coinmissioner, � sta,tement in writinb, uuder oath, of the <br /> causes which in their opinion have produced such diminution. If the assessors i�ealect to coinl�ly with the requirements of this section, <br /> each assessor so neglectina shall forfeit nut more than two hundred dollars. • <br />