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�E <br /> _ ; = , <br /> - � .,.r.; � " -_ �_ �� <br /> � <br /> �� � �'n t�,e ye���; a�'o��� .� � �' .I.�, an� ��o�fand,/'���n hisn�rea�`�n�' ea�l�ty�u�°. <br /> . . _ -_ _- __ - _ _ ��ati r a ��r�� '+�iwi1��. <br /> �Ot1I2t�7' O� .� tii s .,� .�. , <br /> �e�ir f ntaEives�ay. <br /> r�ale�, '�hr�e thaufand one �^�u�dred and e���-e� ��unds fifteen�fhillin�;s and �en peiac� �I�i �5• i� a.nd a 8 i 5 6 � <br /> �anvers, One thoufand a��d �wenty-ei�ht po�ands t�ssro fh�llia�gs ��ad fix penee �oz3 2 6 �4 r3 <br /> Newbury, �ne thoufand fisre hiandred and fi#ty-f� pounds tPiree ikaiZlia��s and nsne pence J s;6 3 ,g �� 7 <br /> 1°�eze�bury•�or�, �ne thot�fa�d a�ine liundred andf�ven po�nnds £�fte�n �aillingsand teai pence a�o� i5 ao z8�. � <br /> �3everly, One thoufa�ad faur hundred ancl fever�teen po�ands ten �hilPica�s g 4�� i o � i 6 �6 <br /> :I�rfwich, One thoufand eight hiandred and tw� pound.s e��ht�en f�illings and ni�e penc� i 8oz i 8 g �13 19 <br /> �llarblehead, One thoufand and thirty-fo�tx pot�nds tl�irtee�f�il�in�s and�aine pen�� �°34 13 � <br /> �louce/ter, (3ne tl�oufand aa�c�ninety-three pounds nine f€�illings �,�ad two penc� i�93 9 z �� g� <br /> �ynnfreld, One liund�red ar��ninety-feven pounds eleven fhiilinbs an��ve pence �g� i i � i r 7 'r`m <br /> ��nn, Six hundred and ninety�fc�ur pounds fiftezn fkaillin�;s and eigh�pence 694 I� � 4o a z <br /> , .%�ndove�, �s�e tlioczfa�d 4ot�r hundr�d and fix�y�f�� po�ncls f�,��een fhi�lings and t�n peti�� g�66 i� i o �6 i � <br /> :Ro�ley, Eight hundrec� anci thirty-four po�nds Gx ���i;li��s an�d �ha•ee pei�ce �3'� -� 3 35 j�- <br /> Haverhill, Nine hund�ec�and f�rty-three pound� ten �iiiiz��s ar�d ten pence g�3 io i� �7 � <br /> lopsfcelct, �'our hunc�red and forty pQunds feventeen���llin�s a�� one penny , 4�.o i 7 a �o � <br /> ���f�ury, �e�ren hund�ed an�twe€�ty-one poLnds two �hillin�s a�ad eteven pe�c� µ 72 c � i i �.r �a <br /> ./�lm�ury, �i�hundred. and i�fty-f�ven pot�nds feurteen ihiilings anc� tc�o pence � 657 ;� � �5 � <br /> Bo.xford, f<ive hundred�'�ad�'ifty pc3uflds nineteen �i.11in�s anel �wo �;�nc� 5S� �9 � 37 2 <br /> Bradfor�, Six hundred ar�d t�ventytttivo pounds ei�ht f�Ail3in�s a�d fc�ur pence �22 a 4 7�.'"I I <br /> �ethuen, �`ive l�undred aaac3 thirty pc�unds fewen it�iliizags and �leve� p�n�e �30 7 i a �� j$ <br /> , ��enha�xt, $'wo l�undred anci fee�enty-four pounds three fhil�i��s and f�ur �enc� 274 3 4 <br /> 1�cznch�er, �ne hundred and f�ty•fave p�und� one �4ialling and e���t pence I�5 ; 8 <br /> l�iddle�on, Three hundred a�a� 1'ixt�-feven pounds fafteen ihiilin;5 anci t�n�er�e� 367 r S i o <br /> — - .�,,�a <br /> �'o�w�. '�'E��� tIio�fa�d four h�ndre�. and tc�venty pa�aa��s �iq.zo a � anc�`�i38 � o ; ; <br /> Co�.nt� oi 1�!� .I .� .T� L � �` .� � <br /> �:�na&ri�;e, I�Tyne ht�ndred and fi�ty-f x pounds e�ev��fhii3ings and eight pence 96� i a 3 a�d � 15 �� <br /> C'harl��,v.��a, Two h�xnd�cci and�ninetyfour p�unds eleven�'nit;ings and.eight penc� - �g4 I I g x8 I I <br /> Watertozvn� 1�'ive hu�adred aaid.four pounds �lei�eii fl�ill�n�s a�c� ei�h�-pence So�. � I 8 �.o a g <br /> Woburn, S�ve� hundrec� �nd fsxtytwo potia��s eight f�iilli��s and four�ence , %�2 �3 � 7 6 r <br /> �'oncard, 5ix t�undred and thi�ty-two pounds eightee�4�iliin,�s �.nd f��:r pence �3� I� �'�. 78 8 <br /> .1Ve2vton, ;i� l�unc�red ac�d�i�ty-f x paui�ds three:hYllin�s a7��our pence �6�i 3 a 4�, g <br /> IZeadind, �evera huni�red az�d thirty-fa� pauz�cls #ifteen f�iilin�s q�z6 a5 0 �� q� <br /> �E2arlboraugh, Eight hu�cired anci thirty-f�ven po�and3 t�air�een ik�allin�;s and four pene� �3'� A� 4 8� r�. <br /> I�illerica, Fave h�ndred ��ad faxty.f�ven pounds ��7 ° ° �7 a t <br /> .l'ra�nin�l���n, �even I�undred po�.�r�ds 700 o a B3 r� • <br /> �exin�torc, Fc�ur hundred da�ty-three po�nds fixteen fhilli�i�s �;�ad ei�Iz�pe�.�e 453 1� � �G i c <br /> Che1,�rz.rfor�', �ot�r hundaed a�d ei�hty-ei�ht poi�nds fixteen f.diillir�gsand ei��at penc� ��8 16 g Q5 I� <br /> ,�herburnv, �°aar h�.ndred and three �ouads thirteen f�illin�s a�d four�ence 403 i 3 4 �7 14 ' <br /> �ua'bury, Five I�i�ndre� a�d �����p_eighC pottnds te� fhiilin�s. ,z� io o q.s iy , <br /> �lalden, '�'�iree hundr�;�«..�f _F� m�L�-ica�n pour.ets fi�;teen ilii�kin�s at�d ei�t�L �Se�^�c� 3y7 i6 � � <br /> �irefton, 1�'�ur hu:�c�a'er3 an�. hfi,y�one pou�tls ten 4iiilin�a .q.r c i o o �7 � <br /> 191fedfard, Five h�ndred ��rty•nYne pounds ten f�i}I�ngs S49 io a 5b r� <br /> I�op,kintor, �'our hundr€d and�hirty-two p�u�ds i'iXteen ihbl�i�a�s ai�d eig�it p���e �3� y 6 8 �� I� <br /> Yil�forcl, �'our hundred and ei�htJ.eight gounds fixreen ft�illi�bs anc� ei;I�t pez�c� .�.88 i6 8 �5 -(6 <br /> �tc�w, Two htYndr�d aaa� n�r3ety.two po�a�ds faxteen fhilling� and eight perzc� ��z a 6 �t - <br /> �i1"0�03`2� �even htandrec�a�d farty-fax pounds thirteen fhillings and four pence � ��.6 i,� �. 60 � <br /> r�hirleq, Two hu�dred and tv�ency-�� po��ads fs ilailling5 andeibh� pence z26 6 � <br /> �e�perelZ, �our hnndred and t�ree po�nds thirte�� fl�iIlings and €o�ar pen�e " �}o� i3 �. $� � <br /> �rlalthanz, �'aur hundred�nd for�y-f� potands five fhillings �.46 5 o r3 6 <br /> �.%'ozrmferad, `1'hree htandred and forty-t�r�o pounds ei�ht f�iliings and four pence 34� 8 4 �3 ffi ' <br /> .�'r•acast, '�'hre�. hundred and fifty-fotar paunds one fhilling �nd eiglzt pence 354 i � �c I� <br /> .1�ec�foyd, `�'lrce� h�i�nd:ed and ele�en �c�undc t:.n {h��lings � 31 I Io � <br /> ,���lli/�on, ��uc l�r�ndred a.nd ei�h�een pounds f xtee� ihillinbs a�d eibht pence 41$ 16 � <br /> ,��on, 'S'�nr��� Yi�a�ad�-ed and C�venty-t�io pc,u�ds 3az o � 2a i� <br /> :d�l�/�able, 7['l�ree hund��c3 anrl forty-one pJtands fkxteen �hbiling� as�d eight penc� 341 I� �3 <br /> �;rr�cndrz, Three hur.dre�i and tly;rty potands fafteen fk�itiiaabs 33@ 15 �` , <br /> ��V2!n�in�ton, T�wo ha�nc�red �cad feventy-feveza pounds thirte�n ilaillir,�s and fa�ar pen�^ �77 s3 � �,F t� <br /> �'ew,�ury, Three htxnd�ecl and twenty-fi� pounds c�n� flsillang and ei�}jt pence �z6 r 3 �t g <br /> �rttleta�, Fous hutidred anc� th�r�y-f�ve pounds th�°ee�hil�ings and fc��ar pence 435 3 4 4z i4 <br /> ./�fl�by� Une �iundred and ninet�-one poumds fi:� ihidigngs and eight perzce ag c 6 � <br /> f'�'afic;�� �'wa ht�ndred and fi�� paunds e��l�teea�iddiatlbn�s anct f�ur pence z�Y i3 q. <br /> R:,arlafLe, Tevo hundred and fifty.two pound� �52 � � 43 �5 <br /> .S"foneha�ya, One hundred and fev�nty th:ee pc�czn�Zs fzve f�aillin�5 �73 5 � <br /> -����Sudbury, T'i�ree hunc�red ar.d eightyfeven pound� ei�hteet� fhi?Iin�s aa�d four �Sence �87 �£3 ¢ �}r ��, <br /> .�axl�orough, t�r�e hundred and t�enty�five pouiids ����'�t 47i;�ings aad foa�r pence s�, 8 4, <br /> t ��._...�.._. ; <br /> To��l, Seventeenthe�afandei�;�ithun�redandt��irty-oneF�undseig:�t�en�iiili�n�s��dfv�:� ��n�e g�83i a� �. a�td aFo4 14 m <br /> �ounty of .�' � 1l�� ..� �' .I-3 I .t� .E. <br /> �°. r. d. �', s. do. <br /> �5/�rin,��'el��, �ine hundred an� five pounds eig�teen ihillin�s an�four pence ge� i 8 4 and g� i� <br /> I�re,�-Sprinajelcl �ighthundredand thirtp-ei�htp��ands f�vefl�illin,�s �,�� � Q �� 1,� <br /> Wrlbrahc�m, �'our hundrecl a�d thirty-fix po�ands f x iP�illin�� and eir�Iat p�n�e q.36 6 8 Y7 z <br /> 19�'�rtl�ampton, �.ight hundred and twenty-one pU�,�nds f x ihillAra�;s�n�i ea�ht gen�� �e i 6 8 ,o � 6 <br /> ��uthAnapton, Two .Eiundred and eighty pQunds 2�0 o o �2 0 <br /> F�adley, Four hundred and t�enty-fix g�unds eig�:t�Iiillir�gs and fc�ur penc� 4'�6 � 4 S8 9 <br /> ,.Scu�f� Hadley, Two hundred and twetve pounds eighteen ,�aillin�s and£c�ur penc� 21 z i g 4 3� 5 <br /> ��:nher/�, Fo�ar hundred and ten poi�rzds ll�irtee�a �aii�ira�s ��1 f�aur pe,��P .a �.zo a3 �. �a q. � <br /> Granb,q <br />