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. � � ,��,:,. - <br /> �. � . <br /> � - <br /> � • � . <br /> ca <br /> �, � �4nno IZegni C��1.�7:��I� �ecuyaca'�, .�e�~rs, �'�. .�l���e�`;�;�-,�zxyo� <br /> � r� - �� - --— - — .-.-. <br /> � , .__. <br /> N � <br /> �� � � �i11� �. it furt�e� �na��, T�at the Treafurer do forti��virh fend out his t?�'arrants <br /> � � dircc`�ed to the Sele�-Men ��; �ai�'e�'ors of each Tovvn or I�it�ric�'t wirhin this t rcc�ince, <br /> ^. ,' �. � requiring them r�fpe�ively t�� affei$ the Sum hea-ela,X �et upon ft���,, �ow:a er �si�'�r;ft in <br /> �` 32u1es for Manner fallowin;, 2'hat is �«��ay, To af�efs alI ra�eable �//dale�lis above t�:e F�ge of' <br /> ,,\;� �:�Tefsmenc. Sixteen Years, within their ������ive Towns ori�iftric`ts, or ne:�t to thei�, be- <br /> � fi�F�.�hilZin and rx Pence er �'oll 9 and �ro�oreionab! iii <br /> �y longing to no other Town,..,,�, g ./� p � � y <br /> `� af�'efiing the.Fines ment.oned 2,�� this A�, and tlie additional 5uri� reczived out ofche Trea- <br /> � �j fury for the Payment of th� ��.;M��refentatives ; ( except the Covernotir, the �izutenar:t- j� <br /> 1'� � Governour, and their Famil�e�;, �he I'refident, Fellews and Students of H�rv�zrd-College, <br /> ., fettled Minif�ers and Gramma��.�ychool-Maftej•s, vs•ho are hereby exempted, as well fram <br /> being taxed for thei�..PolIs�l=t�r�;��eir lE{�ates, (beii,g in their oti�vn�ands,anil under tl7;:zr� �,� <br /> �� � � ac`tual Management ar`re�Impe�r��v+r.;r:i�,.ent); as alfo�alt theEf�ace pertaining to HPr2�cr��-College; � <br /> � and other Perfons if fuch th�is•'taT;� who throu h r� e Infirmi� , or e;�trea=� f'overt� in �,` <br /> � . � . ) � � � Y 5� <br /> � the JttdgmenC of the`Af�e1�'ors, �.r�; not capable to pay towarc�s pub!ici� Char�es, they.may <br /> � exempt theirPolls,,�n��i, �nt'ac:�i�,,'theirE{�ates, as in theirPrudenee they f!�all tiiink fit and <br /> �,` judge meet. �1nd the Ju{�ic��'�, thear General Seli'ions in the refpe�tive Counties a�'er_ibled,. <br /> 1� �n grantin�a Cbunty-Tas on.�fi��fsi��ent, are hereby ordered and dire��e�' to appc�rtion th� <br /> !R�`- ; fame on the feveralTowns in 9'i�c�hCount'y, in Yroportion to their Yro�in�,e �,Zat�g�e:�claii�re � <br /> of what has been pa�out of the publick Treafuryt�o the Repreieiatative of eacl�`I�c�n for <br /> . his Service. Ancl t Aii°ef�ors of eac�t Town in the Provinc� a�;c���lf�ctire�e�l in ma!�in� <br /> an Ai�'efsm.ent to gov . tliemfelves by the fame Rule. Ae�d all �ftat<s bcth iZezl an� <br /> Perfonal, lying �vithin t e Limits of fuch Town or Dil�ri�, or next �lnto the f�r,�e,_,r,�;p,, ,;, <br /> paying elfewher�, in whofe Han�s, Tenure, Occu�ation or Pof�'ef�:a� ��ever th�e fame is or <br /> �hall be faund ; and alfo the Incomes or Profits which any Perfon or �'erf�ns ( exce�t as <br /> . before excepted ) do or fhal� receive from any Trade, Facul.ty, l3ufinefs or Employmen� ,w <br /> � whatfoever; and .�Il Profits`tha�fhall or may arife by l�ic�ney or otl�er Ef�ate, not pare <br /> ticularly otherwife��'ei�'ed, or Commifi'ions of Profit in their Improvement, according t� <br /> their Underf�andin�or-eun�ing, �t a H�lf P�iy on the Pound ; �nd to abate or mul�i- <br /> �� � ply the fame, if need be, fo as to make up the Sutn fet and ordered hereby for fijch <br /> , �`�J�`� Town or Dif�ri� t�p�y,��lnd in making their Af�efsment, to eftimate �Ioufes and.Lands s <br /> � C�:� � at fix;Years Incoti�,e�of the yearly Rents, whereat the fame may be reafonably fet or let far ;, ,! <br /> �.� � $n tlYe Place wheFe �they lye, faving all Contrafts between Landlord and Tenant, and �, <br /> � where no Contrac`� is, the Landlord to reimbtirfe one half of the Tax fet upon fi3ch I-�.oufes <br /> v ,__ , and I..ands ; and to ef�ir.Zaxe,lVe�ro, Iridian and Molatto �ervants propartio��abl� as ;; <br /> �the� Perfonal Eftate,according their four�d Ju"dgment andDifcretion ;as alfo to e�'irr�a��` ` <br /> • every Ox of Four Years o,lc� a d upwards at Forty Sbill�ngs, eve'ry Cow of three Years <br /> " � old and upwards at I'hirty Shi��s, every �Iorfe and Mare of three Years old and�i�-• <br /> + :� �vards at Farty Shillings, every Swine of one Year old and upwards at Eight Shil�i"ngs, <br /> � \ Gaats and Sheep of �ne Year old 2bree Shillings each. Likew°iie requiring the faid ,' <br /> �� r , , 1-lii"efi'ors to make � ir �.if�of the faid Af�'efsment, fetting forth in di{�inc`� Col�mnp, <br /> ` ` �' I� v againft each�articula�' r�'on �Name,how much he or fhe�eli'ed at for�olis, and liow <br /> �, _ f'�`40 �p, rnuch for Houfes and ds, and how much for perfonal Ef�ate and Income by �rade� or <br /> 1' �.. .� \� �aculty : And Gv�rdian,� or for any .Ef�ate m his or her Imprq,v�nent i�;�r«f�, to <br /> � .,, R ti �� be diftin�ly exprefi'ed. A d the� L�i��r�.ifts fo perfec�ed and f�gne�^°by them,'�"th� '4 <br /> � I xna�or Part of them, to co�mit to the Co11eC�ors, Conft�l�le or Conftab�es of fucli�I'ow <br /> '� � � ,!�� or Diftri�, and to return a Certificate of the Name or Names of fuch Collec'�ors, Conf�a <br /> ( r v �Ie or Con{�ables, with the.Sum-Total co each of them committed, unto I�imfe�f, fome� <br /> �,j �, ,� � �ime before Che laf� Day of O�ober next. And the Treafiirer for the Tirr,e being, upora <br /> � Receipt, of fuch Certificate, is hereby itnpowered and ordered to ifi'i1e forth his Warrant� <br /> '�; � �� �� ' � <br /> ���,o� to the Co1leEtor or Conf�able•. or Conf�ables of fuch '�own or Dii�ri�, requ�iring him or � <br /> `„y, \,� � , them refpe�tively to colle�`�th,e�uhole "+a� rc�p��zve S °m a�''�fi�d �n each y'�at��i�1ar <br /> � '� , f., , �,(� Perfon before the laft Day of Decesnber �n� And to pay�n their ColleF�ion, and zti'ue <br /> ^ V � � the Accompts of the whole, �� c��--bc'fore the laft Day of 1l��rch next, ��hich will be in th� <br /> �, � I . '' ,J Year of our Lorcl One thoufand feven hundred and fafty-iour. , <br /> �� � � '� � �n� �e it furt��er en���e�, �'l�at theAfi'e6�°�rs af eacl:Tow;� or �it�ric`�refpee�ivel,r <br /> �n convenient Time before their. lakin the r��e.fsrr�ent fhall ive feafonahle �'�arnyt��; ' <br /> �Q� G`� Inhabitants to � g , g , <br /> � � bring in a true t0 t11C Ynhabitants in a Town 1`Vieeting, or by po:�fn�up i�oti�ca,tions, in fame Place or <br /> �J�� Li� of thezr places in fi�ch Town or Diftri�; ar notify tl;e Inhab:tants fan;e otiaer Wa�, to�give or <br /> .Polls, �re bring in to the Af�°ef�'ors true anc� �erfe��..if�s of th�ar�'o';s, rateaE�le Ef��te, �rad Incc�me <br /> � by Z'rade or Faculty,and Gai�i�y l��Ioney at �ntere4�. �lnc� i`any ��erfon or Ferfons fhalt <br /> �p ; neglec`�orrefi�fe fo to do, or �rir,; in a ;alfe I.i�, it fhall be lawfu.l to and far the.l�i�'effor� <br /> � to afi°efs fiich Perfon or Perfoas, accare'iin� to their �{nown r1l�ilit J in fuc}2 '�'own;in their <br /> r, <br /> ,�� � ,� found Judgment and Difcretiori, tlleir d�ie f?roport�on of this `�'ax, as near as they can, <br /> ,� agreable to the 1Zul�s herein �iven, under the�'�z�alty,,�f 2��ee��ty�S�'llir�s�or ezch Per� <br /> r;� o �. � � .�z�: <br /> � ` �� �'c�r.� � <br /> ' � w . ��� ,�� �u�--t�1-,.���,.'j '; �tt:$°�;� ;��z�.P�t ra�� � ` ���, W{,,1,�.r,�,,/.,% �, d; <br /> � � _� _ <br /> �•. �' �' ,l u ,�� ���; __ . � .X�` ,,,. ,a <br /> ��'C±� v /'` ;2,1�.� 1t> �� �' <br /> � �, / � ,w'.:�� � tc-G�-rld^a �� <br /> \ . , <br /> � �� ��� � ! _ " � <br /> � . � <br /> � ►�"°i• 0��Z� ��,/rf" _ �� �'��''� �. $� ,r: <br /> � �,' <br /> ` = �� <br /> d <br /> �At�: -. � ,.. .�-� r:� . „��. - ,� ��� ;�. k � ,, � � , <br /> <.,y�; y� <br /> r.. . _.1�``u_w`�a�1 i]i.'a �� .��. ,��' .. . .r.-'.'k���.'�°�,�'.�..�.xl.� . '�+i;e�i�+r*w,a,� _. ,�'r�?;.�'�.Y?3f.T.,J�:4`:.�3,..r �..1:- .-.Sa"n�.l:?s_.::... T,s-�.'��,..#�i".,���+e,.�.�_,...•wr+ � <br /> . . � .. .�Yr�r X. _ �St: n ,�,,: _ .> <br />