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_ _ _ <br /> ; _ <br /> T)�� � �L�Z,ZtO. <br /> �i.'''"Lsq 9� c'L�/���v— � . <br /> �r <br /> r Suan �'otRl. <br />`+. �� . '� � <br /> o� �'u�j�l,�e - <br /> ` �. s. d. <br /> �'our th��ifand two l�undi•ed ninety eight pounds fixteen 1hillin�s q z93 16 0 <br /> � Two hundred forty three pounds nine fhillings 2�-3 9 0 ; <br /> Two hundred forcy one pounc�s one fhilling and one penny 2.�s I i <br /> �ne hundre,� t�s�enty one pounds eleven fhillings and three pence I 2I I I 3 <br /> `�'tivo h��rc';rcd feventy eibht pounds ninc iliillinbs and one penny 27$ 9 i <br /> C�ne nundred fifty five pounds ten �hillings and five pence 15y Io 5 � <br /> '�we� nundred eigllty ei�ht pounds feven fhillin;s 2 g g � a � <br /> C�ne hundred ninety fix po�lnds fifteen fhillings and fix pence i 96 i y S <br /> . �ne hui�dred t�enty five pounds fix f�lillings izr 6 0 , <br /> One h��ndred ninety four p�unds thirteen ihillings 194 13 �' <br /> Seventy po�inds 70 0 0 ` <br /> Gne hundred and fi�e pounds three �hillings and ten pence Io5 3 " IO " <br /> �t'wo li�.an��red and four pounds fix �hillinas 2O4 6 � '� <br />` , �3ne hurdred and two pounds fi�e fhillings and ten pence 1O2 5 i� - <br /> �hirty five pounds fixteen fhillinbs and eight pence 35 i 6 E <br /> �'€�rty t�va po;inds fixte�n P�iIlirags an� three pence 42 I( 3 ' <br /> Sixty one _}oands thirteen fhillings and four penc� 6a 13 4 ' <br /> �°dinety fzve pouncis ten fhillings and five pence, 95 Io �. , <br /> ----�. <br /> � �. 686x �o � �' <br /> �a� .e��.'�r„�'. � <br /> � � <br /> i Seven hundred forty fix pounds one ihilling and two penee 746 I � ' <br /> �'ive hundred fev�nty fix pounds feventeen fhillin;s and fix penc� 576 a� 6 <br /> Se��en h�rndred thirty fix pouncas four ihillings and feven pence 736 4 � <br /> � Foui- hunc;,ed and eibhty pounds feventeen Ihillings and three pence �.�o 17 � <br /> �'wo hi.inr',r�d torty tiine po��nds two (}.iil�inbs and eleven pence �49 2 I g <br /> i hree hundred thirty two po�ands ninF�ceen fhillin;s and nine pence 33a I� � , <br /> G�ne hu�l�ired fixt four ounds ten ihillin s ancl t <br /> y p g hree pence I 6q. I o 3 <br /> 4 � Two hundred and fourteen pounc;s four lhillings �14 4 � ,; <br /> ! Q:le hundred feventy two p�unds f�ven�een Ihillings an�l ten pence 172 17 I� ' <br /> t�ne handred and ninety po�a�ids nine ihillings and nine pence 19a 9 9 • <br /> Tl��ree hu�zdrP3 forty one pounds three {hiilings and feven pence �q.i 3 � ' <br /> � C'�s�� hun_ired and twelve pound� fix fhillings i i2 6 0 <br /> (�ne hut�dred forty f�ur pounds two fl�illirigs and feven pence 144 2 �' ' <br /> �ne hundred and �i�ty two pounds 162 o co <br /> One hundred and forty pounds fifteen fhillin�s and ten penc� Iq:o I�r Io � <br /> Seventy ti,ree pounds ten fhillings and ten�pence �3 io xo <br /> Seventy five potmds fix �hillings and three pence �5 6 3 ' <br /> j Fifty t«�o pounds tw�lve fhillings and one penny �2 I 2 a <br /> ' 7Eighty tnree pounds fifteen thillings g� i� � � ' <br /> � o o a <br /> � <br /> �• 5�49 j� � : <br />�. � �' � • r �, <br /> � �� 1�'�iad�f x� � <br />� �t ' One hundred fixty eight pounds two fhiilings arid fix pence � i68 z 6 I <br /> 'Two hundred feventy four pounds faurteen fhillings 274 14 � � <br /> �, <br /> C�rae hunared and thirteen pounds thirteen ihillings and three pence I 13 13 3 <br /> � One �r��nc�red feventy four pounds fourteen fhillings i 74 14 � <br /> � Two huf�dred and five pounds eight f�illings 2Oy g o <br /> � �ne P;ttndred feventy feven �ounds two fhillings 17� 2 � <br /> �3ne hundred and ninety pounds ei;hteen fhillings and feven penc� i c�o i g e� � <br /> , C��e h��ndred and ninety pounds fixteen ihillings a go i 6 o r <br /> Cne hundred and thirceen pc�unds f��urteen thill:'ings I 13 14 0 . 1' <br /> �rae hundred farty nine �ounds eleven thillings I�.q i i � ' <br /> Lexin�u,nn, . <br /> , <br /> I�1 <br /> . . . . � `:4 . � . . � � - <br /> .i � <br /> Y s -9 1' _ <br /> , ,. <br /> -, .z r � ;. . ..,. .. ��. � ._ . ,�y . <br /> �_ :, n , ��w'�atR.: rd'.�ia. . �`�.�c" _ . z � w �✓ . .� ._.� .�� . . M . <br />