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<br />SITE COUNCIL 5/30/14 <br />ATTENDANCE: Lynette Allen, Nimisha Asthagiri, Russ Bosbach, Angela Chang, <br />Meg Collela, Betsy Conway, Susan Ornestein, Naomi Priver, Deidre Schadler, <br />Debbi Side <br />I.Approve minutes 4/11 <br />II.Vote membership <br />III.School Improvement Plan <br />A.presented to School Committee <br />B.5th grade to have Student Councils, Mr Pittman to lead <br />1.Harrington has one, will model from there <br />2.not to have ofÐcers, but Åclass leadersÆ <br />3.may have 3 different sessions to include more kids over the course of the <br />year <br /> during lunch or recess then go to different classes as liaison <br />5.maybe like a town meeting <br />6.likely to evolve <br />7.Susan Orenstein will help brainstorm <br /> who came to Meg had community service spin to it <br />9.they can help organize spirit days <br />C.RTI (Response To Intervention) <br />1.added morning meeting to schedule <br /> have quieter time after lunch to restart on a calm tone <br />3.many teachers in Responsive Classroom training <br />a)Open Circle is more of a curriculum, whereas this is incorporated into Åway <br />of beingÆ and Åhow we actÆ to permeate into the entire building <br />b)has worked with aides for playground where most unstructured <br />environment exists and how to intervene if troubles <br />4. to arrange coffee next year to inform parents <br />D.focus on draft mission next year from the District <br />E.from parents concern about overcrowding Ä is in district improvement plan, talk <br />about overcrowding in the town not individual schools <br />1.will have 5 5th grades with 20 kids in each <br />2.have largest enrollment but class size equivalent <br />3.trying to come up with a plan for the buildings (Fiske has only 3 5th grades <br />next year with no more space to add 4th section so 28-29 students in each) <br />4.HS putting on 12 modular classrooms for larger population <br /> do within our school Ä address parking, adding more swings, trafÐc <br />mitigation <br />6.School Committee says parents need to go to SC to change deÐnition of <br />ÅcapacityÆ <br />7.question about lack of parent volunteers, esp Big Backyard (talk to Karen <br />McCarthy, K-5 Science coordinator), also PTA not always getting enough <br />volunteers <br />