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Special Town Meeting— November 19, 2012 <br />The Special Town Meeting of Monday, November 19, 2012 <br />was called to order by Moderator Deborah Brown at 7:30 <br />p.m., Margery Milne Baffin Hall; a quorum of 157 present. <br />The Moderator welcomed members to the newly named <br />Margery Milne Battin Hall in honor of the contributions <br />of former Selectman and Moderator Margery Milne Bat- <br />tin to Lexington during her residence of over 60 years, <br />ARTICLE 1: REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS, <br />OFFICERS, COMMITTEES <br />Report of Appropriation Committee Chair — received and <br />placed on fileAdopted Unanimously <br />Report of Capital Expenditures Committee, and errata — <br />received and placed on fileAdopted Unanimously <br />Report of the Town Manager — received and placed on <br />fileAdopted Unanimously. <br />ARTICLE 8: APPROVE TIF AGREEMENT(S) <br />MOTION: That the Town: (a) approve the fundamental <br />terms and conditions, including but not limited to <br />The tax exemption percentage schedules contained therein, <br />of the Tax Increment Financing ( "TIF ") Agreement dated <br />November 16, 2012, (b) delegate to the Board of Select- <br />men the execution of the TIF Agreement; (c) approve the <br />designation of the location of the 95 Hayden Economic <br />Opportunity Area (EOA), as the parcel shown on Asses- <br />sors Map 17, Parcel 22; (d) approve the Tax Increment <br />Financing Plan dated November 16, 2012; (e) authorize <br />the Board of Selectmen to submit an application to the <br />Massachusetts Economic Assistance Coordinating Coun- <br />cil ( "EACC ") for the designation of the 95 Hayden EOA; <br />(f) authorize the Selectmen to make minor modifications <br />to these documents as may be needed prior to submis- <br />sion to the EACC; (f) authorize the Board of Selectmen <br />to execute any other documents related to and consistent <br />with the TIF Agreement and submit such documents to <br />the EACC; and (g) authorize the Board of Selectmen to <br />take action to enforce or terminate the TIF Agreement, <br />including requesting that EACC decertify the TIF Plan, <br />in the event that Vistaprint USA, Incorporated or Two <br />Ledgemont LLC fail to substantially comply with the TIF <br />Agreement as determined by the Board of Selectmen. <br />Declared adopted by voice vote. <br />ARTICLE 6: APPROPRIATE FOR NEW <br />ESTABROOK SCHOOL <br />MOTION: That the Town appropriate $2,600,000 in ad- <br />dition to the $39,724,248 previously appropriated for the <br />purpose of paying costs of demolishing the existing Esta- <br />brook School and constructing, originally equipping and <br />furnishing a new Estabrook School to be located at 117 <br />Grove Street, including the payment of all costs incidental <br />TOWN OF LEXINGTON 27 <br />or related thereto (the "Project"), which school facility shall <br />have an anticipated useful life as an educational facility for <br />the instruction of school children for at least 50 years, and <br />for which the Town may be eligible for a grant from the <br />Massachusetts School Building Authority ( "MSBA "), said <br />amount to be expended under the direction of the Perma- <br />nent Building Committee. To meet this appropriation the <br />Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, is <br />authorized to borrow said amount under M.G.L. Chapter <br />44, or pursuant to any other enabling authority. The Town <br />acknowledges that the MSBA's grant program is a non - <br />entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as de- <br />termined by the MSBA, and any project costs the Town <br />incurs in excess of any grant approved by and received from <br />the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the Town; <br />provided further that any grant that the Town may receive <br />from the MSBA for the Project shall not exceed the lesser <br />of (1) thirty -seven and twenty -seven hundredths percent <br />(37.27 %) of eligible, approved project costs, as determined <br />by the MSBA, or (2) the total maximum grant amount de- <br />termined by the MSBA; and that the amount of borrowing <br />authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any <br />grant amount set forth in the project Funding Agreement <br />that may be executed between the Town and the MSBA. <br />Declared adopted by more than the necessary two- thirds. <br />ARTICLE 9: AMEND NON - CRIMINAL <br />DISPOSITION BYLAW (CONSERVATION <br />COMMISSION FINE SCHEDULE) <br />MOTION: That Chapter 1, paragraph 1 -6.13 of the Code of <br />the Town of Lexington be amended by repealing the sub- <br />section thereof labeled "Chapter 145, Conservation Com- <br />mission" and substituting therefore the following: "Chapter <br />145 Conservation Commission Fine schedule: $100 per <br />violation'. <br />Adopted Unanimously. <br />ARTICLE 7:APPROPRIATE FOR AUTHORIZED <br />CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS <br />MOTION: That this article be indefinitely postponed. <br />Unanimously,4dopted. <br />ARTICLE 4: APPROPRIATE TO POST <br />EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY FUND <br />MOTION: That $500,000 be appropriated to the Town of <br />Lexington Post Employment Insurance Liability Fund, as <br />established by Chapter 317 of the Acts of 2002, and that to <br />meet this appropriation $500,000 be raised in the tax levy. <br />Declared not adopted. <br />