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9 <br />the easterly part of the town, as they claim, for water pur- <br />poses, and for which they assert they are not liable for taxes, <br />by reason of being exempted by an act of the legislate <br />tare. It was believed that the inhabitants of this town would <br />not surrender this amount of taxable properly without ascer- <br />taining legally the feet, consequently the Assessors have <br />levied a tax, amounting to $152.22, which the town of <br />Arlington objected to paying, and petitioned the County Com- <br />missioners for a hearing. At the time appointed for a hear- <br />ing a postponement was grunted, in consequence of the snow <br />preventing an examination of the premises. <br />QU1DE HOARDS. <br />The destroying or defacing of guide boards by the mall - <br />cious or thoughtless is of frequent occurrence. We have <br />replaced those that have been reported as. missing, and <br />repaired others when necessary. <br />LIOMSHS. <br />We would suggest to the town the propriety of an expree- <br />sion as to the expediency of granting licenses for the sale of <br />intox6 ing liquors, beer or ale. The opinion is somewhat <br />prevalent that the Selectmen, in not granting any licenses <br />except to two hotels, did not represent the will or wish of <br />the majority of the voters. Several applications were received <br />for licenses to sell beer and ale, but almost, if not quite in <br />every instance, requests or remonstrances from the neighbors <br />of the applicants, and from others, were also received, de- <br />siring us to refuse granting such licenses. <br />An artiole will be inserted in the warrant for the annual <br />meeting to ascertain the wish of the town as to the expediency <br />of granting licenses. <br />GADt51= LVOAAOY. <br />By the will of the late Jonas Gammell the town revived a <br />10 <br />legacy of Rive hundred dollars ($500.00), the income of <br />which was to be applied to the purchase of comforts and <br />luxuries for the inmates at the alias house, and to be ex- <br />pended by a committee, consisting of two ladies, to be ap- <br />pointed by the Selectmen, and acUug in connection with the <br />Overseers of the Poor. We were informed by the Treasurer <br />that this income had been accumulating, in eonsequeuce of <br />the Selectmen heretofore having been uuable to induce any <br />ladies to accept the trust. After repeated and urgent solioi- <br />tatione, Mrs. L. S. Pierce and Mrs. N. W. Bryant were <br />persuaded to carry out the provisions of the will. Theis <br />report will be found appended to this. <br />soar.. <br />The subject of purchasing coal for the supply of the town <br />in its several departments was considered early in the season. <br />As the coal for the schools -had usually been purchased by <br />the School Committee, an interview with the chairman of <br />that board was had in reference to -uniting and having but <br />one contract for all. This arrangement was acceded to, and <br />the number of tons necessary for the use of the schools was <br />famisliea us. We concluded a contract, and when eom- <br />menoing to put the coal in, were informed by the chairman <br />of the school board that the School Committee had contracted <br />for coal for the school's use. We have received and paid for <br />the coal as we fairly contracted to do. It is now ascertained <br />that the quantity of coal purchased by both parties will not <br />be more than sufficient for what will be needed for the win. <br />ter's use. In justice to a majority of the School Committee, <br />we fully exonorate them from any complicity in this inexpli- <br />cable transaction. <br />Near the close of the last anauai town meeting a series of <br />suggestions or recommendations were submitted to the town, <br />and were accepted. These recommendations were: that all <br />expenditures of money should loo made by contract. The <br />